Fischer Price Brand Voice︎︎︎

︎ Adobe After Effects
︎ Cinema 4D

Create a 15-20 second animation that graphically communicates the message in an appealing and interesting way. The brand I chose to look at was Fischer price.

Futures Foundation Re-brand︎︎︎ 
***Winning Design chosen for implementation

︎ Branding
︎ Accesibility

Create an accessible brand system for Futures Foundation.

Music Lyric Video︎︎︎
***Featured in Student Exhibition

︎ Styleframes
︎ Adobe After Effects

White Walls By Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, music lyric video. Using imagery of Cadillacs contrasted among modern cars and styles, to highlight the freedom and personality of owning a Cadillac.

Mind The Gap︎︎︎
***Featured in Student Exhibition

︎ Adobe Illustrator
︎ Data Visualization 

The project goal was to create an overall experience with a found data set, that has many data points. I focused on prominent women in each state, as contrasted against the grim truth that women are not paid the same as a man in any state.

UFO Book︎︎︎

︎ Adobe InDesign
︎ Stylesheets

Re-design a large body of content into a digestible format, while understanding the grid, and defining reader relationships. 

Detroit, MI
Courtney Shinaberry